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Monday, October 8, 2007

Guitar Madness

Okay, I've never really mentioned it here before, but I've been wanting to get me a guitar for so long! And I finally got one, yay! It's been four days now but I think I'm pretty good at it, though I've got blisters on me fingers now, haha! :D I'm so happy right now!!!!! :D :D Hehe... :P


Amin hosseini nasab said...

great pic alev, my passoin is to play the piano, dont know why, but some piano songs really move me. and hope you get better and better, whens your song comming out?? :)

Alev said...

Haha, I don't think the song's coming out any time soon! :D Piano is an awesome thing too! But you know what really takes me away...? Violin... Oh, it's just wonderful! I'd like to play that too, but maybe I should stick with the guitar for a while, huh? :) One at a time! Haha! Thx btw... :)

Ryan said...

I wish I could play an instrument, but its far too tricky for me to remember that stuff. it'd be awesome to play 'sleep' on the piano though.

Poet In The Jar said...

Oh my god, I had no idea you played the guitar, how come you didn't tell me?? :D now i envy you so bad :P this pic is so amazing, and it's so cool that you're playing! hey, let's start a band together, shall we? you play guitar and I sing and we do the awesome lyrics in unison. :D :D

Alev said...

Haha! Because I got a guitar only five days ago! :D I have no history with guitar. But I guess we can form a band, you'll sing, I'll play! :D :D That'd be awesome! :P But you can wirite the lyrics... :)