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Wednesday, October 3, 2007


This lecture is killing me
I'm bleeding on the inside
This teacher has no mercy
Knowledge comes in like a tide

I can't breathe anymore
Time just doesn't pass by
I've grown so weary
I think now, I'm gonna die
I wrote this one today, during my differential equations class. Pretty immature; I know, but what the heck :P Guess I got my inspiration back!!! :D


Ryan said...

Finally the writers block is torn away. I can definately relate to these words.

Alev said...

Haha :P

Poet In The Jar said...

LOL awesome to see something like this! xD now you made me laugh all the way off my chair. Don't know how many times I've felt like that :D geez! i love it :D:D

Alev said...

:D :D :D Remember that sms I sent you complaining about our teacher not dismissing us, I wrote this poem during that lecture! lol :D