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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Farewell, My Friend!

You guys probably don't know this but I had a turtle until yesterday. Yesterday, because my bro let it go to the sea while I was in school... We had it for so long and lately it seemed depressed, tired and stopped eating it's bait. So, we thought that it was time to let it go to where it really belongs. My bro said that the second he let it go to the shore it ran towards the sea, then came back, took a last look at him as if it was saying "thanks, goodbye" and vanish into the water. Oh, how I felt like crying when I pictured that moment in my head... This post is for the memory of it; farewell, my friend!


Ryan said...

AWWWWWW... thats a good story :) Though I understand your sadness I must also say that your relationship with your turtle could have ended MUCH worse.

Alev said...

Yeah I guess you're right. :) But considering how long turtle's live, I probably would die before it! Haha! xD xD The one way or the other, I'm glad it has it's freedom now, conquering the seas! :D

Ryan said...

yeah its pretty cool how that ended up.

I had a frog once that I knew wasn't supposed to last long but he died before I had him for a year of anoerexia. Yes my frog would NOT eat.

Poet In The Jar said...

I think the story of how your turtle is released back into the sea makes some amazing imagery=) I'm sad you've lost your turtle but consider it! He's free now! All free and happy =) Hmmm ryan I had no idea a frog could die of that... but maybe it was because he wanted to go back to nature as well?

Ryan said...

He was not from the wild, I would have freed him if he was, we bought him at a pet store and If he was let free around here he'd probably die, being bred in captivity and all.

Alev said...

Thx for the support guys! :D I'm sorry your frog died Ryan :( That happened to us too, we actually got two turtles at the beginning but the other one never got used to us, we had to return it to the pet store because it never ate... Guess some of them can't adjust to a new environment.

Amin hosseini nasab said...

awwwww, hope he grows and comes back to you alev :)and rhyn wahy do all your pet get or have a desiese??? your dog is diabetic, your frog was... you get the idia. anyway hope you turtle is happy with his probably new friends

Amin hosseini nasab said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alev said...

Haha! xD Who knows, maybe it'll show up one day :D Thx Amin :)
ps: I think what happened to Ryan with his pets is a pretty awful coincidence.

Ryan said...

thanks Alev, I know how strange a coincidence it was but I must say that Riley (my dog) diabetic and blind he is but he's also probably the most happy dog that I've ever seen, I've never seen him cry (whine) unless there's another dog (he's afraid of other dogs), I'd rather have Riley than a yappy little dog that was perfectly well.

Alev said...

Wow, that's beautiful Ryan, now that's what I call loving unconditionally... :)

Amin hosseini nasab said...

wow, soryy if i sounded wrong rhyn, what i meant is do you choose pets that need help or is it just a coincident, sorry if i sounded wrong :(

Ryan said...

No problems with what you said and to clarify my answer I didn't choose my pets that way it just happens. Riley was diabetic but he was a stray so the SPCA (pound) didn't know or tell us, we found out he had diabetes around christmas time last year (same time my pop got cancer and my nan went to an old age home). By June he was blind, a common side affect to diabetes.

Poet In The Jar said...

awww... i'm so sorry for you people...
I lost one of my bunnies, Rakel, to the fox once. We just went out to feed them and there was only one bunny left, the brown one called Lady. She was crouching in a corner. The door to the cage was ajar and no trace of Rakel more than some chunks of her beautiful black fur.
But she's hopefully in bunny heaven now :D

Ryan said...

that must've been terrible, especially for Lady.

Poet In The Jar said...

Yeah, she did kinda freak after that =) kept escaping from her cage all the time, even cut through the fence or what it's called, in the bottom of her cage. So finally we let her out and she lived freely in our garden for a whole summer :)

Alev said...

That must have been nice :)