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Monday, October 29, 2007


I'm so sick of killing myself inside
Thinking whether things'll be fine or not
Things that I'm condemned to live without
Drowning in my tears of fear and doubt

I changed my ways now, I'm different
Now I pretend that things are alright
This way maybe I'll change my fate
To the way I want it to turn out

Who knows?
Maybe it'll work out...


Ryan said...

This really appeals to me, I can really connect with the words.

Poet In The Jar said...

Me too. It's so me, keeping that nice facade for everyone to see rather than showing the real you... simply cause it's just so much easier. I've done it for years in front of my family. Don't know when was the last time I showed my true feelings for them. I just know that if I do everyone'll just worry about me. So I keep it inside of me and pour it out in poetry and to friends and, yeah, you know. You've dressed this feeling so nicely in words, it's spot-on, it's terrific. Although I hope you'll talk to me if you feel like this =)

Alev said...

Guess everyone feels the way I do... It wasn't just me :D Thx for commenting you guys :)
ps: Becca, I didn't understand what you meant by your last sentence, can you elaborate it for this slow friend of yours? xD xD

Poet In The Jar said...

haha :D I simply meant: should you feel like this, the way you're writing about in your poem, I hope you'd talk to me about it :D

Amin hosseini nasab said...

great poem alev, nice message :D

Alev said...

thx Amin :) Thx for clearing things Becca, I guess =)

Ryan said...

people truly are born as more than one, we act differently around different people. Shy and quiet around some, rude and rascist around others and just who we believe and hope to be ourselves to the rest.