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Friday, October 12, 2007

Cool or Just Strange?

I had a dream last night, the moment I woke up I thought it was the coolest! But now I think it was just weird... You decide:

I was in school and the kids were talking about some new teacher coming to teach at some Friday class. Guess who the teacher is...? It's CAPTAIN! I know, very surprised myself :P The odd thing was, the lecture took place in the hallway of our apartment! I saw Captain pass by me and head to the bathroom, yes, our bathroom! Then he started to shave without using any foam... He saw me, I smiled, he smiled... WEIRD, I know. Then the dream became even weirder! YES, what I wait for! Poets of the Fall in Turkey! Me at the concert area, with my Nokia 6131 in my hand, waiting for the concert to start. Captain sitting on the stage, no trace of the other band members... Then I get bored and suddenly decide to wander around. At that moment, I get a sudden urge to find Marko! A classmate of mine leads me to somewhere where I might find him (have no idea what she is doing there and how she knows that???). The odd thing is, the building I enter is my elementary school building but when I get inside it gets enormous! Then I start to run, looking everywhere for him! I pass through so many places, enter VIP sections (no control btw, I just burst in??), and finally find a place called a "Band Practice Room"??? Some bands there, practicing with their drummers and guitarists and stuff. I remember hearing Muse too btw, have no idea what they got to do with that?? Then I suddenly see this guy and I ask him where I might find Marko. Strange thing is I ask him like: "Do you know where I might find Saaresto, Marko Saaresto?" I'm speaking English btw... Totally stupid! :P Then a woman comes, they look for him, call him and stuff. Later they tell me that they cant reach him because they mixed some lines up and I'm still very lucky to be there???? In a sec, I panic! I'm like: "OMG, what if the concert is starting without me!!??" I run back, forget all about finding Marko btw... I get back to the concert area and still no one else on stage but Captain... And he was smoking I think, I don't even know if he smokes in real life. Then suddenly I find myself in some dark, foggy alley (the dream becomes black&white btw). I see Marko just for a moment, standing against a wall with some Léon glasses on, then he suddenly disappears! After that I remember seeing Ollie, I try to take his pic and he just starts to run away afraid of the photo flash (my phone doesn't even have a flash btw)!!! Ha ha! Running scared! And I yell behind him something like: "Don't be afraid, I just want to take a photo!", still talking English btw!?? That moment I woke up!

I don't think I've never dreamt of something that I remember this crystal clear before ! Freaky, huh? Pretty stupid too! I normally wouldn't post a dream I had here, but I thought "What the Heck!" on this one, since this is the very first dream I've had involving Poets of the Fall! Ha ha! :D :P


Poet In The Jar said...

Geez you must have been listening to POTF right before you fell asleep right?? Haha! That's so funny. Let's hope that's not as close an encounter with POTF as you'll ever get :D :D
saw you on facebook by the way, awesome! :)

Alev said...

Haha! :D Thx sweety, see u!

Ryan said...

Thats so awesomely weird, its so weird its cool.

Alev said...

Can't decide between weird and cool, huh? Haha! :D :D I know I couldn't! Did you guys ever dream of POTF? I'd love to hear about it sometime if you did so? :)

Ryan said...

no mines even more random, too hard to describe

Amin hosseini nasab said...

wierd dream alev, but they say most dreams are about what you think through the day, you're new in your new school so that takes a lot of thinking, and potf, well maybe you've been listening to them a lot that day, but these are my gueses,and i've never dreamed about the poets :), and as you said its amazing you remember it so clearly as in max payne 2: "whats clear in a dream suddenly makes no sence"

Alev said...

Yeah, maybe you're right... :) The odd thing is; I didn't listen to them that day, maybe it's because I want them to come here SO badly!!!! xD
ps: You just had to quote Max, didn't you? :D :D

Amin hosseini nasab said...

he he he :D :D