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Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Advices On Life

  • Always remember that big loves and big investments come along with great risks.
  • When you lose something, don't lose the lesson you learned with that as well.
  • Always live with these three things: respect, for yourself; respect, for others; and responsibility; for all of your behaviors.
  • Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is great luck.
  • Learn the rules well so you can violate them the right way.
  • Don't let an insignificant thing damage your friendship.
  • When you realize that you made a mistake, immediately take action to fix it.
  • Spend some time on your own.
  • Be open to new things, but don't let them lose your values.
  • Remember that sometimes silence is the best answer there is.
I translated these to English myself, so excuse me if I made some mistakes. These advices were on a board in my school, they really made me feel better. So, I wanted you guys to see these too.


Ryan said...

Really profound words, thanks for sharing.

Alev said...

Gives you a lot, doesn't it? :) Don't mention it, I'll make sure to publish more of these when I find more ;)

Ryan said...

Thanks Alev

Poet In The Jar said...

These're very nice :) Especially the last one, "sometimes silence is the best answer", I think i gotta go quote that somewhere. :p

Alev said...

Glad you liked 'em! :) You do that! :D