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Monday, March 9, 2009


I've fallen for you all over again
I don't know for the which time
Though I don't think I'll ever stop giving in
Because this is where I belong
Whether I like it or not

Don't worry though
I like it

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Ok, not exactly a masterpiece, I know. :D But I love the symbology in it and it's kind of cute. =) Hope you'll like.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I write stories, always aim for a good finish
Doesn't matter how, can be anything I wish
I'm writing a story about me now
Changing everything
But I will never be able to finish it
Because I don't know if I'll ever get a happy ending

All my hopes and dreams in front of me
In a pile, they may come true, or not maybe
Living a half written story
And what it'll ever be
Because no one can tell me, knowing
If I'll ever get my happy ending

Probably not though
But I'll keep believing