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Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I pushed my luck far enough
Time for me to step back now
I can not handle all this stuff
As even you don't know how

My bluff wasn't a bluff after all
Found my senses in a closet
Between you and me, now there's a wall
And you're gonna have to live with it

I'm letting go now, wave for me
Not for you, not for anybody
For once in my life just for me
Because I'm gonna need my sanity
And I can't afford to lose it
Not for you, especially

Saturday, October 11, 2008


I can see all the colors
But I always go for the grey
Taking down the variety to smaller
To rid of the meaning of the day

I photograph every moment of the sun
But always only when it's going down
To make sure it's dark when I'm done
So I can misplace the sea and drown

I'm a grief artist
I know how it hurts the most
So I adjust my pain to it
Only to take it all out on me

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Move on, go on, carry on
Nothing is happening around
There is no sobbing going on
It's just the wind that you hear
And the sound of sweet rain
Falling on the freshly mowed lawn
There is no one there sitting alone
It is just a random shadow
Caused by the greeting dawn
No, no, it's not tears you see
Nothing is going on here
There is no one there withdrawn
Insignificant for you to follow
It's just the walls full of echo
Reverberating of what's been here
But now that is gone
I know you'd still be indifferent
Even without these warnings
But just in case
Move on, go on, carry on
Nothing for you to see here
I'm not lying really
There truly isn't anything
Anything left of me
So, keep living on

Sunday, October 5, 2008


The sun just slowly went down
Darkness descended all over the town
The stars appeared, saluting
But the one that matters is missing

The sun rises up again in the morning
Revealing everything that's been but unseen
The stars are fading, they say goodbye
But I can't see the one that's ruling my sky

I miss my star
You are not here right now
But I'm always here for you
No matter where you are

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Haven't written down anything in days
Accept everything the way it comes and stays
Don't make an effort to let things out
And when I do, things that come out suck

I'm a dull poet
None of the things I write fit

Had this pencil in my hand for almost an hour
Encouraging myself to stop being so sour
But nothing helps me with my bad poetry
Especially myself can't save me from this misery

I'm a dull poet
That's all there is to it